I'm jumping!

After much planning, thought, and prodding from others, I have finally started a Food Blog! Seriously??? I've started a Food Blog? Oye!

I have lots of blog how-to learning to do, lots of photos to attempt, and lots of love of cooking to share. That's probably the best reason of all to do this, right? I love to share the things I've learned along the way. I love to teach cooking skills to others and to give them kitchen confidence. Perhaps, like my grandma, I am also a "Food Temptress". There are worse things to be a temptress of, correct?? (grin)

I've been taking photos of the food I make for a while now. Are they all edited? Ummm---in my dreams!! I'm working on it though and I asked Santa for Photoshop. I'm pretty sure I've been good enough to get it!! (maybe he will even consider giving it to me early??)

My goal with this blog is to keep the recipes front and center, and keep the accompanying photos and stories to a minimum. It sort of drives me nuts when bloggers have lots of fru-fru before you can get to the recipe. Now don't get me wrong....I like fru-fru for some things. That's why I have set up two blogs at the same time. This blog will be minimal, and more "just the facts". If you want to see more pictures, or read more fluff, you can do so by following the link to my other BLOG.

Yee-hah! Here I go!

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